

2024/11/22 - Website Progress

As much as I'd like this website and blog to be in character, I just don't think that is possible LOL.

Hello everyone! Welcome to the labor of love that is Graf's work! I'm just here because we're friends and I like graphic design and helping out.

The website is live, but many things are currently on the backburner, including (but not limited to) the Events page (proably empty until next year), the Music page (same as events); as well as History and Comic as those are determined by Graf. The comics a heavy workload project and I'm not privvy to the entire story so I'm not going to make stuff up thats important to the series.

If you have questions, comments, concerns etc etc. Please feel free to email me or Graf. Email addresses are available in the Contact page that is available LOL.

Until next time :o)!

